A lush Bouquet of stunning locally grown roses from Victoria,
made with love perfectly presented
to give to your Beauty Queen . . .or King
All flowers are arranged by qualified florists.
Bouquets are wet packed to ensure flowers are kept hydrated & fresh
Beauty Queen is created using Grandiflora Classic Roses (Large Garden Classic Rose with a Fragrance ) lush foilage and a beautiful glass vase.
Beauty Queen by Hidden Florist is a luxurious rose bouquet
Suitable for any occasion
Please note Grandiflora Classic Roses are grown as a Classic style rose
If the roses have been out of water for a while,
ensure you trim a small length off the bottom of the stem with a sharp knife or scissors before placing them back in water.
This will allow the rose to drink easier through the stem.
Changing the water and trimming the bottoms of the stems every few days also prolongs the vase life of roses.
Remove any foliage that sits below the water line in your vase.
Also keep in a cool and dry environment as possible (away from heaters, direct light and air-conditioners) to prolong the life of your gorgeous roses.
Please note that our floral photos are for reference only,
flower substitutions may apply for
seasonal blooms & colours we have in stock.
As a result, not all goods produced are as pictured on www.HiddenFlorist.com.au
by accepting these terms and conditions you are acknowledging there may be discrepancies between images & produced goods.
All flowers are arranged in Sunbury,
by Hidden Florist's fully qualified florists.
Hidden Florist deliveries are completed between the hours of 10.30am and 5pm each day.
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee a delivery time.
Please rest assured your beautiful arrangement will be with the recipient before 5pm.
After a unique arrangement that is not pictured?
Call our team & we can discuss your floral needs.
Hidden Florist's aim is to make ordering flowers online simple & easy.
Located in Sunbury, Melbourne, Victoria
Hidden Florist, Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Florist deliver same day Monday - Saturday to the following suburbs & towns
Aintree (3335), Ashbourne (3442), Bolinda (3432), Bonnie Brook (3335), Bulla (3428), Bullengarook (3437), Cadello (3442), Carlsruhe (3442), Cherokee (3434), Clarkefield (3430), Cobaw (3442), Deanside (3335), Delahey (3037), Diggers Rest (3427), Fraser Rise (3335), Gisborne (3437), Gisborne South (3437), Hesket (3442), Hillside (3037), Keilor (3036), Keilor Downs (3038), Keilor East (3033), Keilor Lodge (3038), Keilor Village (3036), Kerrie (3434), Kyneton (3434), Kyneton South (3434), Lancefield (3435), Macedon (3440), Monegeetta (3433), Mount Macedon (3441), New Gisborne (3438), Newham (3442), Pippers Creek (3442), Plumpton Victoria (3335), Riddells Creek (3431), Rochford Macedon Ranges ( 3442), Romsey (3434), Sunbury (3429), Sydenham ( 3037), Taylors Hill (3037), Taylors Lakes (3038), Toolern Vale (3337), Tullamarine (3043), Tylden (3444), Wildwood (3429), Woodend (3442), Woodend North (3442)
Substitution Policy: While every effort is made to ensure the product and colour selected will be used, circumstances may arise due to seasonal availability where containers and flower colours and varieties may be substituted with that of the same or higher value and suitability. If the contents vary dramatically the customer will be notified for permission to substitute.
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